Why did you choose graduate school at IU Indianapolis?
As an aspiring professor, the Kinesiology Department at IU Indianapolis was going to provide me with a unique opportunity to balance the development of my teaching and research skills (i.e., the best of both worlds). Because of how the teaching assistant is set up, along with having a great mentor (Dr. Monica Hubal), the experiences I have received have exceeded my expectations!
What has been your favorite academic accomplishment since you’ve been here?
In the fall of 2023, I was privileged to give a joint symposium presentation with my mentor at the Midwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting.
What do you enjoy most about life in Indianapolis?
There are plenty of things for me to go and do along with being in driving distance to my friends and family.
Please provide some details about your work/research as a graduate student and/or any activities you are involved in.
I am currently a teaching assistant through the Kinesiology Department, which has allowed me to be a lab instructor for several classes, to give guest lectures, and to be a director/lecturer of two classes. My current research interest involves exploring how the nature of exercise muscle damage (EIMD) might be altered in individuals who are obese/sedentary or have type II diabetes mellitus as well as investigating various strategies that can be utilized to ameliorate the signs/symptoms of EIMD.