The Fellowship Committee has set aside funds for Travel Fellowships to assist full-time graduate students in attending a meeting or conference relevant to their degree program to present their research. The maximum sum awarded to any student is $1000. Mentors are strongly encouraged to review their student's applications and to provide funding to the student to facilitate travel to the meeting. This is a competitive process and submitting an application does not guarantee funds will be awarded.
Because University Fellows receive funds that are to be used for travel expenses, they are ineligible for this program during the first two years of their program. Please contact your department's graduate advisor for more information on travel funds if you are a University Fellow.
Travel Fellowship eligibility
To receive support, a student must either:
- present a refereed or invited paper and be listed as the first author, or
- present a poster and be listed as the first author.
In addition, students must be currently enrolled in a research degree program on the IU Indianapolis campus (master's or Ph.D.). Students must be registered full time when their application for a travel fellowship is submitted, and be similarly enrolled full time on the IU Indianapolis campus during the semester of their travel.
Confirmation from the meeting or conference that a student has been selected to present their research is required along with a letter of support from the student's research mentor.
Students are eligible to receive this fellowship only one time per academic year.
Questions can be sent to the IU Graduate School at
Fall Fellowships: If you are traveling between May 8, 2025 and April 30, 2026, the application deadline is October 17, 2025. Award notification by November 10, 2025.
Spring Fellowships: If you are traveling between March 1, 2025 and September 30, 2025, the application deadline is March 14, 2025. Award notification by April 12, 2025.
Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed.
*Note: Applications will not be reviewed until the deadline has occurred for the respective cycle.
How To Apply for the Travel Fellowship
IU Indianapolis Graduate Student Travel Fellowship Online Application Form
Signature Page
(required for application)
To help you estimate the cost of your trip and how much the university will allow you per day to cover meals on your trip (per diem rate), Indiana University per diem policy and rates can be found at Travel Management Services.
The maximum amount a graduate student may receive from the Graduate Office as a travel award is $1000. Faculty advisors and mentors are strongly encouraged to provide partial funds to support student travel and to indicate this support in the application and letter of recommendation. This is a competitive process and submitting an application does not guarantee funds will be awarded.
Student applicant responsibilities:
1. Applicants must be enrolled in a research-based graduate program as a full-time student during the semester an award is granted and the travel occurs (8 credit hours, 6 credit hours with and Assistantship, or full-time equivalent course such as GRAD-G 901). *
2. Applicants will indicate the total cost of the conference.
3. Applicants must submit proof of the acceptance of their poster or oral presentation from the conference committee.
4. Applicants must complete the online IU Indianapolis Graduate Student Travel Fellowship application and obtain and submit school approvals (see signature page).
5. Applicants must submit a one-page synopsis of the conference and its potential impact on your academics and career.
6. Ensure Faculty Form is submitted prior to the posted deadline.
7. If the Travel Fellowship in not awarded, funding of the trip becomes the responsibility of the student/mentor/School.
*We will confirm all information provided and if full time enrollment is not met, the application will not be reviewed.
IU Indianapolis Graduate Student Travel Fellowship Online Faculty Form
The maximum amount a graduate student may receive is $1000. This is a competitive process and submitting an application does not guarantee funds will be awarded.
Faculty/department responsibilities:
1. Faculty mentor/department must submit a letter of support, which outlines the purpose of travel, importance of the research, as well as detailing the talents and strengths of the student, and reasons attendance at the meeting is important for this student. If a mentor nominates more than one student in a semester, they must outline the reason each student is deserving of funding including describing the talents and assets of each student and the importance of their research project. Keep in mind, funding is limited. The mentor or department must outline any funds committed by school/department to support the student's travel, and department account that funds should be transferred to (if awarded) via the online Faculty Form before the deadline.
2. The department is responsible for processing travel with the university. If the Travel Fellowship is not awarded, funding of the trip becomes the responsibility of the student/mentor/School.
How do I apply?
We have created a How-to-Apply guide for your convenience. Fellowships are provided to students who wish to travel to a meeting or conference to present their research studies. Students may also apply for funds to cover travel to a meeting to present research related to a teaching project at IU Indianapolis. This program is competitive and students are encouraged to look for multiple sources of funding to support their travel including funds from their mentors, department, school and external sources.
How to Apply for the Travel Fellowship
How can the award funds be used?
Funds should be used to reimburse your program and/or yourself for acceptable expenses according to Indiana University Travel Policies. This includes, but is not limited to: round-trip flight that originates and returns to the Indianapolis, IN airport; lodging; conference fees; parking at the airport; ground transport while your meeting; and per diem rates to cover food based on the university policies.
Lodging and per diem cannot be claimed for a conference held within a 50-mile radius of IU Indianapolis.
How much is the award?
This depends on several factors. First the committee reviews your estimated expenses, but also takes into account the quality of the overall application and support provided by your program. The maximum sum of $1000 can be awarded.
What is included in the application process?
We have created a How-to-Apply guide for your convenience. Please review this guide before staring your application. Also meet with your mentor or research advisor to discuss how this meeting will benefit your training and whether your mentor, department, or school will also provide financial support for your travel to the meeting. Evidence of financial support from the student’s academic program is important in the application review.
How to Apply for the Travel Fellowship
How are the applications reviewed?
Points are awarded for research activities and contributions, as well as achievements. The letter of support, financial commitment from the program, as well as your personal one-page synopsis of how the conference will assist you in your studies and career goals will be the primary focus of the committee.
Incomplete, incorrect or late applications will not be considered. Applicants who did not meet the eligibility requirements will not be considered. Please review materials carefully for accuracy.
You are responsible for all portions of the application; this includes ensuring that the Faculty Form is submitted by the deadline.
How will I know if I have been awarded a fellowship?
You will be notified via your university email account on or around the notification date listed under deadlines.
Will I receive the award prior to my travel?
Funds are awarded as reimbursements to your department only. You may receive notice of your award prior to your travel, but the funds are not transferred to your program until you return from your tip and the required receipts are submitted to your department representative. Your department representative will be responsible for ensuring that you are reimbursed.
How do I plan my trip?
You will need to work with your program / department to plan your travel according to Indiana University Travel Policies.
What do I do after I return from the conference?
After you return you will submit your receipts for acceptable expenses to your department representative to process your reimbursement. Your department representative will then complete the Travel Fellowship transfer electronic form (link provided in award notification) to access University Fellowship travel funds.
What if I am not awarded a Travel Fellowship?
Look at other campus opportunities, such as the Graduate Professional Student government's GPEG award and the IU Worldwide program.
Other funding resources
Indiana University also provides some travel funds for students from under-represented groups pursuing graduate studies within IU programs. Students who have received funds from the President's Diversity Initiative or Herbert Fellowships should contact their graduate program advisor to learn about travel funds provided by sources.
Study & Research Abroad
Summer Pre-dissertation Travel Grant
Summer pre-dissertation travel grants support research-related summer travel abroad prior to conducting dissertation research abroad. Open to all IU Indianapolis graduate students.
Awards: Stipend set at economy round-trip airfare plus $1,000
International Enhancement Grant
International enhancement grants support students pursuing academic training which adds or enhances an international component of their graduate degree program. Open to all IU Indianapolis graduate students.
Awards: Up to $2,000
International enhancement grantsIndiana University is required to comply with the Jeanne Clery Act. Part of this requirement is to report student travel to off-campus locations. More often than not, travel to conferences would be a reportable travel event. The School’s Dean and Department Chair in which the student is enrolled are responsible for complying with request for information and travel sent by the Indiana University Public Safety and Institutional Assurance.