Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Indiana University Indianapolis; Dean, Indiana University Graduate School Indianapolis; Chancellor's Professor, Microbiology and Immunology; Distinguished Fellow, American Association of Immunologists
For questions related to applications to graduate or professional programs at IU Indianapolis, contact the staff in your school of interest. View the contact information below to reach the specific individuals within the Graduate School.
Contact Grad Aid for general graduate and professional student financial aid inquiries
Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Indiana University Indianapolis; Dean, Indiana University Graduate School Indianapolis; Chancellor's Professor, Microbiology and Immunology; Distinguished Fellow, American Association of Immunologists
Associate Dean of the IU Graduate School Indianapolis, Associate Professor Physical Therapy
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education, Assistant Dean for Student Development and Academic Affairs; Director Preparing Future Faculty and Professionals; Advisor Underrepresented Professional and Graduate Student Organization (UPnGO)
Director of Finance and Administration
Ph.D. Recorder
CRM Communications and Operations Analyst
Curriculum Resource and Creative Services Coordinator
Communications and Recruitment Manager
Graduate Admissions Coordinator
Masters Recorder
Fellowship and Enrollment Coordinator
Administrative Specialist
Academic Operations Coordinator