Steps to submitting a new PhD minor
Steps to submitting a new PhD minor
The IU Graduate School Indianapolis must receive new PhD minor proposals at least two (2) weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled Graduate Affairs Committee meeting. Please check the meeting schedule.
Fill out the IU Indianapolis Graduate Minor Form and submit it to Dezra Despain and Dr. Janice Blum no later than two (2) weeks prior to the GAC meeting.
Required Items
Academic Leadership Council minor proposals
Graduate Minor Form
IU Graduate School Indianapolis
The Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC) meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month between the months of August through May with the exceptions of September and December. In order for the proposal to be reviewed by the GAC, it must be received by the IU Graduate School Indianapolis no later than two (2) weeks prior to the GAC meeting.
Any questions about the GAC can be directed to Dezra Despain or Dr. Janice Blum
Graduate Affairs Committee Meeting Dates
Ph.D. minor submission form
The IU Graduate School Indianapolis will submit the proposal to Academic Leadership Council for inclusion on their consent agenda, after which the IU Indianapolis Registrar will assign it an SIS code.