The Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC) oversees the approval of new graduate and professional degree programs, and changes to existing degrees.
Specific forms and processes are used in developing new graduate and professional degree academic programs. In most cases, new programs require the involvement of the central university administration, the trustees, and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE). The dean or department chair planning the new program should initially reach out to officials within the campus administration and the IU Graduate School Indianapolis to discuss the goals and need for a new degree program or certificate. Early discussions with partner programs and administrators on and off campus may be useful in new degree program development.
A pre-proposal for new programs or certificates must be submitted to academic affairs. Once approved the new program or certificate can be developed into a full proposal, which will then be submitted to the Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC) for review. Recognizing that the review and approval process is lengthy and dependent on the schedule of IU trustee meetings, schools requesting new programs should allow 8–12 months between school-level approval and the desired implementation of the new program for necessary campus, university, trustee, and ICHE approvals.
All IU Indianapolis graduate and professional program changes require formal approval by both the school dean and the Graduate Affairs Committee. Examples of such changes include:
- Addition or deletion of degree programs
- Changes to curriculum requirements
- Changes to program tracks or emphases
- Changes to skill or language requirements
- Changes in exam administration or policies
- Converting existing on-campus academic programs to hybrid or online
- Program name change
With the exception of converting existing on-campus academic programs to hybrid or online, program name changes, and changes to credit hours, changes to existing programs typically receive final approval once the GAC approves them. In rare instances, program or certificate changes may require additional review and approvals. Please consult the Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education for more information.
Before proposing any changes, University Graduate School programs should consult the current University Graduate School Bulletin'sPolicies and Procedures and Degree Requirements, which provide broad outlines of university-accepted policies.