For master’s and certificate students, courses older than 5 years at time of graduation must be revalidated.
For doctoral students, courses older than 7 years at time of qualifying exam must be revalidated.
Demonstration that the knowledge contained in a course remains current.
For example, for master’s and certificate students who take a class Spring 2018, after the spring 2023 semester the course is considered “expired” and must be revalidated.
For example, for a doctoral student who takes a class Spring 2016, and their qualifying exam is after spring 2023 semester the course is considered “expired” and must be revalidated.
- Passing an examination specifically covering the course material.
- Passing a qualifying examination which includes the course content.
- No more than 2 courses can be revalidated using this method.
- Passing a more advanced course in the same area.
- Teaching a comparable course after admission to the graduate program.
- Submit a CV or resume.
- Scholarly publication which demonstrates knowledge of course content.
- Up to 3 courses may be revalidated by one publication.
- Submit a CV or resume.
- Include publication or URL.
- Publication must occur after admission to the graduate program.
- Professional experience occurring after admission to the graduate program.
- Only 3 courses can be revalidated by each job position/professional experience.
- Submit a CV or resume.
The course instructor or a representative in the graduate program offering the course.
Student initiates the process and the student’s program representative will complete the process and submit.
The revalidation form is located on the Graduate School's website, on the Forms page under the “General Forms” accordion.
Master/Certificate Students. Submit the form and attachments via RTS.
Doctoral Students. Submit the form and attachments via RTS.
The Request for Revalidation of Coursework eDoc for students at IU Indianapolis is under construction.