Why did you choose graduate school at IU Indianapolis?
I grew up in Indiana, so it was close to home. My husband, daughter, and I now live an hour north of Indy. I love how IU Indianapolis’ professional schools are situated downtown right next to major medical hospitals and that it is the home of the Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health. As I am interested in bone research, the knowledge and experience that this allows me to access is unmatched.
What has been your favorite academic accomplishment since you’ve been here?
The fact that I’m pursuing the combined DDS/PhD is my favorite academic accomplishment thus far. My peer, Drashty Mody, and I are the first to take on this endeavor and if all goes well, we will be the first in the history of IU School of Dentistry (IUSD) to graduate from the combined DDS/PhD program in Spring 2027. Additionally, this year I had the absolute honor to be acknowledged as a Premier 10 out of the Elite 50 Graduate Students at IU Indianapolis. Being able to represent IUSD in this capacity is definitely a highlight of my academic career.
What do you enjoy most about life in Indianapolis?
I love the diversity.
Please provide some details about your work/research as a graduate student and/or any activities you are involved in.
My research focuses on bone. Specifically, I am trying to better understand the underlying mechanisms of bone. To do so, I investigate novel proteins in order to understand their contributions to making healthy bone.
DENTALliance: I am currently the Secretary and fundraising for DENTALliance which is an organization at IUSD that seeks to bring awareness of disparities and equity for patients and providers alike of the LGBTQIA+ community.
DSRG: I am also the newly elected President for the Dental Student Research Group for IUSD.
I am a Teaching Assistant for a course called Community Service Elective where I work with Dr. Armando Soto to provide volunteer opportunities to the dental students by working with community partners such as the Marion Prosecutor’s office, Village of Merici, Down Syndrome Indiana, Wheeler’s Mission, Growing Places Indy, and Riley’s Children’s Hospital.
GPSG: I am a General Assembly Representative for graduate students of IUSD and work to advocate for their voice in the Graduate and Professional Student Government.
Elite 50: This year, 2024, I was acknowledged as an Elite 50, and premier 10 for IU Indianapolis.
Global Service Learning: Last year, I attended and volunteered in South Dakota on the Rosebud Reservation where we provided dental services for Native Americans. I will attend this summer as well.
Village of Merici: I work with Village of Merici each year and organize a group where we go the residence and decorate for Christmas. This residence is programmed to allow individuals with special needs to live independently who otherwise would not be able to do so. Their motto is “I am home,” and so during the holidays we go and decorate along side the residents to help fill their home with the Christmas spirit.
DSI: I have volunteered at many different events for Down syndrome Indiana to include the Buddy walk preparation. Down Syndrome Indiana is an organization that provides resources and educations for families of individuals with DS. The Buddy Walk is their annual fundraiser that allows them to provide these resources. I have also prepared groups and work their education days and family picnic days.
Every Thanksgiving Day, my dad, my daughter, and I volunteer with Rock Church out of Lebanon, Indiana to deliver Thanksgiving meals to individuals who are need for a variety of different reasons. It is one of my favorite days of the year to give back on such a special day.
CASA: I have served as a Court appointed special advocate for Marion County to help serve as the voice of a child who is involved in the Department of Child Services.
Research Committee for IUSD: I work to plan and execute the annual Research Day for IUSD with other students and faculty.
ASBMR Student Cohort Program: I am a member of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Student Cohort Program.
Veteran: I am a veteran and served in the United States Army from 2007-2016