Why did you choose graduate school at IU Indianapolis?
I chose IU Indianapolis for my PhD, specifically the School of Medicine, because of its medical and molecular genetics department. This is one of the first human genetics departments in the US, and it is ranked No.5 for 2023 NIH funding. I wanted to work with and learn from renowned experts in clinical genetics at IU Indianapolis.
What has been your favorite academic accomplishment since you’ve been here?
My favorite academic accomplishment was winning the runner-up prize in the Indiana University 3-Minute Thesis Competition 2024 with the talk: "Disease in the powerhouse of the cell: More than just a power outage.” It was fun to share my research with other people and learn about all the exciting research happening around IU Indianapolis.
What do you enjoy most about life in Indianapolis?
I enjoy the affordable living in Indianapolis. I am grateful that I have met a lot of amazing friends and mentors since I started my PhD here at IU Indianapolis. My favorite thing to do in Indy is go to Homey hot pot restaurant with my best friends on Friday after a hard working week and get a cup of boba together after that!
Please provide some details about your work/research as a graduate student and/or any activities you are involved in.
I hold a medical doctor degree and am currently a second-year PhD student in Dr. Brett H. Graham's lab studying mitochondrial disease. My career goal is to become a physician-scientist in clinical genetics who can integrate clinical practice with scientific discovery to advance the diagnosis and treatment of rare genetic diseases. I am also interested in patient support groups and advocacy organizations for patients with rare genetic disorders.